Alliance of Independent Rottweiler Klubs


The purpose of the Alliance is to promote the exhibiting of the Rottweiler in a manner similar to that done in Germany. The Alliance has always had a policy of welcoming both tailed and docked dogs to compete.

The Alliance is composed of independent clubs. The Alliance consists of a Board of Governors and a Spokesperson.

The Board of Governors will consist of the contact/governor member from each club. Each club has one vote on any issue that may arise. It is the job of the Spokesperson to inform all club contact persons of issues that may come up for a vote and report results of all votes.

Each club is open to the number and kind of classes, trophies, logos, etc. they may offer. Clubs will hire their own judges and be responsible for their own catalogs. All judges must give oral critiques and a copy will be available to the exhibitor.

The Alliance will provide a web site with downloadable premium lists. Each premium list will be identical with the exception of classes offered, club, date, cost of entry and place, and will include a "sportsmanship clause".

ZtPs may or may not be offered by each club. Körungs will be offered once a year or as needed. These will be done according to FCI rules. The Alliance will provide each club with the necessary forms for all ZtPs and Körungs and will validate and record each.

Alliance of Independent Rottweiler Klubs except where indicated
Do not duplicate or redistribute without prior permission